The First Chapter

It’s been 2 months now that I’ve been living and working in Iceland.  Having had a 2-week holiday here in May to spend some time with my husband and see the place he was working….. and having fallen utterly in love with this country, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to come out and work here with the same company.  Despite my trepidation (it’s been a long time since I had worked in this sector) and despite my anxieties about leaving our children behind - after all, it’s usually the children who move out of the family home first, not the parents - and having less time to spend with our beautiful granddaughter, it was an opportunity I couldn’t turn down.  I had begun to feel my useful life was fast fading and that adventure was something that was no longer an option.  The plans we had often discussed for our retirement were also out of reach and so, despite my reservations, I took the chance and went for it.  After all, I thought, if I fall flat on my face or find I hate it, I can always go home again without any real loss (other than to my pride perhaps).

Well, I’m still here and although I miss the family tremendously I have to say I do love the life we are living out here, and I cannot wait until they are able to come out and visit.  Life here in Iceland is very different to that in the UK and I want to share with them what it is like being here as a resident rather than a holidaymaker.  Having begun by posting lots of pictures on Facebook, I decided that perhaps it would be a good idea to stop before I become tempted to bombard my friends with pictures of waterfalls, mountains and fjords - so decided to write on here instead.  That way, if people want to keep in touch with what we are up to out here they can, but I’m not thrusting it in people’s faces!! 

So welcome to my blog - blogging is something I have never done before, so please bear with me while I find my feet and get used to it.  If you are reading this it is because you know me and have decided to follow our Icelandic adventures or perhaps you have stumbled across this blog because you are interested in Iceland and knowing more about this beautiful, fascinating country.  Either way, hello and welcome - it’s great to be sharing a little bit of my adventure with you!

A view of Reykjavík with the bay and mountains behind it

A view of Reykjavík with the bay and mountains behind it


Fire: Visiting Fagradalsfjall